Tsing's Corner

take a glimpse at my world.....

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

gambit forever!!!!!!

AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!! at long last, gambit appears in the x-men movie franchise, and he totally rocks, albeit a very short screen time. Gee, this brings back a lot of high school memories -lunch breaks with Isabel reading comic books, hundreds of pesos spent on comic rentals, the non-verbal episodes with Barry... hahahahahaha..obviously with the success of Xmen Origins at the box office, a sequel is well on the way and they better do gambit some justice, i know it's too much to even ask for the rogue-gambit love story (sigh..they totally butchered rogue's character),

but they should at least dig deeper into gambit's character, show more of his smoldering eyes and please, please, please.. work on the accent :)...

though the movie got a lot of shiteous reviews, it doesn't really matter to me, i would buy the dvd and just forward to the gambit scene. Everything else is moo point.

This movie gets 3 out of 5 stars from me..

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Tuesday, March 24, 2009

nursing school survival rules

When in doubt, wash your hands.

The correct answer is either "hand washing" or " patient airway".

If it moves, ambulate it. If it doesn't move, turn and reposition Q2H.

Remember the 11th Commandment: Thou shalt not cross thy sterile field.

The Instructor is ALWAYS right.

See Rule # 5.

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Sunday, March 15, 2009

watchmen review

i am not a big fan of grotesque, violent movie... but I endured 2 hours and
45 minutes of Watchmen... why? because it looks awesome..... it's literally
the comic pages coming to life... but watcher beware.. Watchmen is not a
superhero movie, it is very dark, convoluted, in your face savagery. I must admit i speed-read the comic book and i only followed the story of certain characters...but really the whole premise lies on the simple formula of kill millions to save billions, you know, the superheroes mentality gone wrong...but what makes this different are the non-typical protagonists, the soap-like drama of the 2 generations of masked vigilantes, the never compromising attitude of my favorite rorschach, an almost "eye for an eye anarchical sort of justice" and .....awesome soundtrack!!


Saturday, March 7, 2009

25 random things... part II

a continuation of a prior post.....

13. except for "interview with the vampire", i refuse to watch tom cruise films..it's nothing personal

14. i take sleepy time to help me sleep at night

15. i take red bull to keep me awake in the morning, yikes!

16. i only order strawberry blondie without caramel at coldstone - yummmmm

17. i can't add in my head.

18. my left leg is shorter than my right leg. i had this realization when i started doing yoga and i always had a hard time with the downward facing dog pose, this has been confirmed by a chiropractor...

19. i can hear me snore when i have facials, hehehe... 2 hour facials with o2 is the best...

20. i love watching the discovery channel and murder investigations, 48 hour hard evidence, dangerous women, mystery diagnosis, dateline id...etc etc..

21. from watching x-files.. i wanted to be in forensics and be like scully.. but the dream shattered with a high school trip to riverside college cadaver exhibition :(

22. i'm team jolie all the way :)

23. stuffed-animal giraffes are the cutest.. i'm trying to start a collection :)

24. i despise celery - i can't take even the smell of it..yuck..

25. i have an eerie resemblance to my grandmother, whom, sadly i've never met


Monday, March 2, 2009

march snowstorm

note to self: always check university website for alerts and sign up for mobile alerts.. that's what text messages are for... i was so eager to get to campus for our first exam which has already been delayed.. only to find out that school is closed because of the snowstorm... my clinical was cancelled yesterday in anticipation of the snow that did not come until late last night.. it was not that bad actually, i was even surprise that the train has express service.. the news said we're supposed to get some more... there is only one thing i'm happy about, i could justify being late tomorrow:)

see.. it was not that bad..

from across our apartment building

some places are getting more

oh well.. another week of preparation for the exam... woohoo!!!!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

did you know....

i have not heard of the legend of the green M&M's until my co-worker kerri told me
about it pre-valentines day. apparently, back in the day, green M&M's were considered
an aphrodisiac...and we go "huh, why green?"..

well, according to Celtic lore the Green man was the god of fertility, hence making green a color of fertility. so i went around looking for green-only M&M bags to bring to the office but i really couldn't find one and I did not want to spend a chunk of dough going in M&M world.. but last night guess, what i found in the clearance aisle of the supermarket. yup, that's right. green M&M's at half price.. so i bought a bunch and distributed it around the office but i did warn people about the side effects...

it reads: " Consumption of The Green Ones may result in elevated Romance levels."
obviously it's a marketing ploy, notice that the green M&M is a female...kind of sexist if you
ask me..

...now i know why they call it "green jokes" :) and NO, it won't make you horny.


Friday, February 20, 2009

old blog found...

i just knew i had this somewhere, so the ever impatient and the ever stubborn tsinggay, now has to manager multiple accounts with google... but since i cannot recall my password and username.. i'll just have to post this link, so the ever lazy me don't have to deal with the transfers and all that shit.... i don't even remember having this account but rereading my blogs gave me that mushy, reminiscing feeling and then i go " ah.. yes.. i do remember!"